Where are the solutions?
I don't provide solutions to my puzzles. Although I publish a daily puzzle and perhaps traditionally you would expect for the solution to be published the next day, I find that many puzzlers complete a puzzle on a day other than the day it was originally published on. This website tells you when you have finished a puzzle correctly or when you make a mistake, so that should guide you on your way
How do the monthly leaderboard work?
Any puzzles completed in the current month contribute to the monthly leaderboard; it isn't just the puzzles published in the current month that contribute, all completed puzzles contribute. Only positive scores contribute to the monthly leaderboard.
How do the all-time leaderboards work?
To compile the all-time leaderboards the website looks at the puzzles completed of that type. Only positive scores are counted, so this means you are not penalised for scores less than 0.
What do the stars next to usernames mean?
Those are badges. Badges are earned by completing over a certain amount of puzzles, or by completing specific puzzles.

You need to complete five puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete ten puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete 25 puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete 50 puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete 100 puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete 250 puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete 500 puzzles to earn this badge.

You need to complete 1000 puzzles to earn this badge.
What happens if I do the same puzzle twice (or more)?
If you do the same puzzle twice (or more) only your highest score will count in the leaderboards.
Can I change my username?
It is not normally possible to change your username. If you desperately need to change your username, you should contact me. All other details: password, e-mail address can be changed through the 'Account' opion.